It is always helpful to envision your characters when writing a book, or indeed any type of writing. The envisioning helps a writer with descriptions and allows the audience to compare what they thought a character looks like in their head, with the author’s interpretation of that character.

I am happy to announce that the first bit of canon art has been created for the Pricilla Phantom series. This piece, titled ‘Earth Familiars’ depicts Pricilla’s Familiar, Hunter, and Virion’s Familiar, Ivy. My dear friend created this from my original sketches and I have been requested to only disclose their artist name: ‘Anon’. I do hope we will be seeing more of their art soon!

Familiars are magical beings which are scattered in every corner of Phantom Grail. They have the power to harness the elements. Wild Familiars will use their powers to survive, while tamed Familiars use their magic to aid their human companions. Hunter, an Earthpea, who is a rabbit-like creature with branches for antlers, uses its great speed and hidden claws to its advantage. Ivy, a Tree nymph, lives quite a docile life compared to the energetic Earthpeas, mostly hiding close to human settlements. Makes you wonder what’s under Ivy’s mask…

Hope you all enjoyed the artwork! Another big thank you to Anon for making these characters really come alive!


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