It was brilliant to return to Wood Green Academy and do an official book launch and signing with the WGA family! It warmed my heart to see the library filled with students eager to read and write and teachers who were so enthusiastic to keep the written word alive. I started the launch by reading a snippet of my book, Pricilla Phantom and the Monochrome Book (Chapter 8- Engrossed in black pages) to give the students a sense of magic and suspense. Everyone present seemed to enjoy the fact I read the chapter that was also set in a library- It created a familiar ambiance. After reading, I went on to answer questions from the audience. The questions were certainly interesting! I was asked about the publishing process, who my favourite character was from the book (Virion Vise) and whether I’d be returning to Wood Green Academy (hopefully I will be).

For the last part of my visit I signed copies of my book, as well as bookmarks and posters for the students and teachers to take away with them. I do hope that everyone who brought a copy of Pricilla Phantom enjoyed it, please feel free to leave a review of your thoughts. Before I left I was given a bouquet of flowers, a headteacher award and a thoughtful card from the students. Thank you to everyone at Wood Green Academy for organising such a spectacular event. Remember, read for the knowledge, stay for the magic!

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